Girl Child Education
We need to send our girls back to school
The Great Tigress Club
Overseeing the affairs of the leaders of
The Great Tigress Club
Adequately funding
child education
The Great Tigress Club
Giving daily to feed orphans
The Great Tigress Club is a youth led National Organization devoted to improve life, service and system that support positive growth and development by uniting the voices of individuals who have lived experienced life in various system including mental health, juvenile justice, education and child welfare.
We need to send our girls back to school
We have to empower the young ones for tomorrow
Saving Sight
Supporting Youth
Providing Disaster Relief
We Address Humanitarian Needs
Empowerment of our youth
Promoting the principles of good governance and citizenship
Bringing ladies for empowerment and grooming them to play their role in politics and as leaders of tomorrow
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CO Founder
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea ex commodo consequat duis aute aboris nisi ut aliquip irure reprehederit in voluptate velit esse .
CO Founder
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea ex commodo consequat duis aute aboris nisi ut aliquip irure reprehederit in voluptate velit esse .
CO Founder
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea ex commodo consequat duis aute aboris nisi ut aliquip irure reprehederit in voluptate velit esse .
CO Founder
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea ex commodo consequat duis aute aboris nisi ut aliquip irure reprehederit in voluptate velit esse .
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